
What Are My Legal Options If I Have Been Injured in a Car Accident With an Elderly Person in Atlanta?

The baby boomer population is quickly aging, bringing the number of senior citizen drivers over the age of 65 to an all-time high. It’s estimated that every day, 10,000 more people will turn 65. Elderly drivers are at a high risk of automobile accidents, with over 15 fatalities daily and 500 injury accidents daily.

Although senior citizens do have the benefit of a great deal of driving experience in most cases, aging can take a toll on the body and can affect driving. One huge contributor to automobile accidents among elderly drivers is a decline in vision. According to a survey done by the CDC, over 40 percent of drivers over the age of 65 admitted to restricting their own driving because of vision issues. Seniors also often have physical and cognitive impairments that can make it difficult to drive safely. Seniors may also be taking several different types of medications, which can affect the ability to drive.

The good news is that senior citizens can be safe drivers. They tend to be more cautious, more prone to wearing seat belts, and much less likely to drive while intoxicated. There are additional steps that can be taken to make elderly drivers even safer. They should have annual hearing and visions tests. They should discuss their medications with a doctor to ensure that they do not have side effects that could impair their driving abilities. They can also take extra precautions such as leaving themselves plenty of time to reach a destination, and limiting driving at night or during bad weather.

Even when senior citizens do everything to help prevent accidents, they can and do cause accidents on a daily basis. Senior citizens in Georgia are required to carry a minimum about of liability insurance. In most cases, it would be wise for them to carry higher coverage than required by law to protect them in the event of an accident.

Individuals who are injured in an accident with a senior citizen driver should contact an experienced Atlanta automobile accident attorney who can ensure they get the compensation they deserve, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

At Holston & Huntley, our attorneys aggressively prosecute Atlanta car accidents to ensure that our clients’ legal rights are protected. While our firm is respectful of a senior citizen’s right to drive, we also understand that the injured party has legal rights and the right to be compensated for injuries and property damage sustained in an accident. If you have been injured in an accident with an elderly driver, call the Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Holston & Huntley. We will provide you with a free consultation on your case, and if we choose to take your case you pay us nothing unless we obtain a recovery for you. Call us today at (404) 620-3337 consultations are free and you are under no obligation to use our services. We serve Metro Atlanta Georgia as well as Birmingham Alabama including surrounding areas.
