
Truck Accidents: The Top 3 Most Common Causes

Trucking accidents are some of the most grisly auto accidents to occur on U.S. roads. A commercial truck traveling the speed limit is more dangerous than the average vehicle because it weighs four times as much as the average car and is several times larger.

Road authorities have put measures in place over the years to reduce the number of truck accident collisions and fatalities. But some of the most common causes of truck accidents are still a problem. Here are the top three most common causes of truck accidents:

  1. Fatigue. Drowsy driving is not only one of the most common causes of truck accidents but is also one of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents as a whole. Although truck drivers are required to pull over after driving for so many hours, sleeping issues can still cause many truck drivers to drive while drowsy. The more fatigued the driver, the less concentration and coordination they have on the road.
  2. Poor driver training. Driving a commercial vehicle isn’t the same as driving your average car. There are more blind spots for truck drivers and it can take far longer to come to a complete stop. A commercial truck is also difficult to turn and if a driver goes to swerve they can end up crashing the vehicle. That said, a truck driver with little experience behind the wheel of a 10,000-pound machine is incredibly dangerous.
  3. Distracted driving. Like drowsy driving, distracted driving is also a common problem among all drivers. But for truck drivers, in particular, distracted driving is a major issue. When truckers are on the road for several hours at a time looking at long stretches of road, it can be tempting to look down and use their phones. But even looking down for just a few seconds in the average-sized vehicle can be risky.

Looking for truck accident attorneys in Atlanta?

It’s no secret that trucking accidents can be extremely dangerous for everyone involved. In fact, approximately 500,000 trucking accidents occur on U.S. roads every year, and 5,000 of those accidents result in death.

If you were the victim of a trucking accident or other auto accident, the truck accident attorneys at Holston and Huntley can help. For more information or to file a truck accident case involving wrongful death or personal injury, contact the law offices of Holston and Huntley to schedule a consultation today.
